Cosmos: Now More than Ever

“The cosmos is all that is, or ever was or ever will be. Our contemplations of the cosmos stir us. There is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the grandest of mysteries. …

Stephen Colbert for the win

“Who would’ve thought a means of communication limited to 140 characters would ever create misunderstanding?” – Stephen Colbert on Twitter A truly brilliant satirist never blinks. Even when a bunch of mouthy dumbasses miss out on the joke and marshal the full weight and power of Twitter to rail and rattle against the perceived wrong, …

Are you watching Cosmos?

I keep meaning to write about the importance of Cosmos now airing on FOX and on National Geographic, but I haven’t. Nevertheless, you should be watching this show. It’s more important now when more US citizens believe in angels than believe in global warming than it was when Carl Sagan originally created the show in …

Don’t Be Afraid… “Hannibal” Really IS That Scary

[Guest writer Kevin Klawitter (@KevinKlawitter) weighs in on what is, for my money, the best show currently running on broadcast TV. In a new TV golden age where cable earns all of the glory, NBC proves there may still be some life left in the network dinosaurs.] When it was first announced that a TV …

True Detective Sticks the Landing

The biggest mystery for me going into the end of True Detective was how it could possibly resolve itself in a way that would satisfy all of the enormous expectations I’d built up for it after watching and rewatching and rewatching the previous 7 episodes. Turns out it was a wonderful end to a terrific …

A Look Inside Last Night’s True Detective and ‘The Yellow King’

HBO sent out this look inside last night’s terrific episode of True Detective as the show’s creator and writer Nic Pizzolatto talks about the literary inspiration for the mysterious “Yellow King.” Check it out along with a couple of other scenes from last night’s 5th episode “The Secret Fate of All Life” after the jump.

72 hours with House of Cards Season 2 (Spoiler Free)

I haven’t decided yet if I like Netflix’s model of dropping an entire series in your lap all at once and giving you the option of whether to binge or not to binge. Call me old fashioned, but I still really like appointment television where everyone gathers around a single hour or half hour and …