Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Same Song and Dance

I hope there’s a very satisfying payoff to the “Obelisk” MacGuffin that’s been driving the plot for the first few episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season two because I gotta tell you: it’s beginning to wear on me pretty fast. I understand that HYDRA division leader Daniel Whitehall wants to use the Obelisk’s power and …

SHIELD – Episode 4: Dances, Decisions and Adjusting in a Simmons-less World

Last week, I mentioned that it looked like the next episode would be a return to form: the return of light, fast and often funny episodes of Coulson and the team tracking down this week’s MacGuffin before someone worse gets to it first, and I was not disappointed. The team find themselves in South Beach, …

Gotham – Episode 3: “What Else Was I Gonna Do?”

“I don’t want to be a product of my environment – I want my environment to be a product of me.” On the surface, the opening words to Jack Nicholson’s monologue as Frank Costello might not mean much, but as he keeps talking, and as Martin Scorsese uses clips from the street riots of the …

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Ghost Protocol

Remember Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol? Remember how Ethan Hunt and his team were framed for the bombing of the Kremlin by a Russian nuclear extremist codenamed Cobalt? Remember how they were forced to go underground to stop him after the President had invoked Ghost Protocol and disavowed the entirety of the IMF (Impossible Mission …

Gotham, Episode 1: Forget it Jim, It’s Gotham-town

For those well-initiated into the Batman mythos, the story should be very familiar: young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) has an acquaintance with death at a young age, as he bears witness to the murder of his mother, Martha, and his father, Thomas, by a run-of-the-mill mugger looking for a quick score. The city of Gotham …

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season One

[Ed:  Please welcome new ADTV contributor Jonathan Holmes. Kicking off what will be regular episode recaps, Jonathan takes a look back at the first season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] Awards Daily, the television section. Wow. Never in my dreams would I have thought I’d be here. I’ve been an avid reader of this site back when …