How to Get Away with Murder – Welcome Back, Keating Clan

The investigation into Lila Stangard’s murder continues this week on How to Get Away with Murder. Marcia Gay Harden’s Hannah immediately turns the heat up on Annalise as the students return from Christmas break. We also have a new element of mystery surrounding the former tenant of Wes’ apartment.

Not the Man You Thought He Was
It wasn’t a mystery that Hannah would question Annalise’s emotions in the “disappearance” of Sam. After Annalise returned from the loneliest Christmas break ever (racking up the largest room service bill in the history of primetime television), she hands over the box of evidence against Sam to Hannah in order to try and persuade her that he killed Lila. Hannah doesn’t believe that her brother is a murderer, so she begins tailing Annalise and does some snooping of her own to try and clear Sam’s name.

Doing the Right Thing?
I originally thought that they wouldn’t introduce any new cases in the final episodes, but I was dead wrong. Annalise takes on the case of Jackie, an abused woman whose husband has two pregnant girls locked up in their basement. Annalise attempts to get Jackie a plea deal when she suspects that Jackie only had the girls’ best interest at heart, but Jackie shows her crazy. She lied to the police and said one of the girls already delivered a stillborn baby when in actuality, she has been raising it all on her own.

The storyline has a great thematic significance since Annalise wants to do something to atone for her involvement in Sam’s murder, but the entire plot feels a bit in the way and obstructive to the main arc. I know Annalise has a job to do, but at this point in the game (with only two episodes left), we all want the drama. Give us more between Viola Davis and Marcia Gay Harden, people!

How Was Your Christmas?!
Last week, some alliances failed to form, but now the students begin to realize how much they need to rely on each other. They soooort of hate each other (understatement), but Laurel points out that they are stronger together than they are apart.

We learn what everyone was up to over break, and it was filled with lots of freak outs and nightmares. Laurel stood up to her parents for not taking her law career seriously, and Connor tries to get Oliver to forgive him. On the more dramatic end of the spectrum, Michaela embarrasses herself at a New Year’s party when she drunkenly accuses her beau, Aiden, of banging a colleague. He tells Michaela that he can’t stand her erratic behavior and postpones the wedding. Wes (who is becoming the most boring Everyman ever)is plagued with nightmares of dead people chasing him. Even his storyline is dull.

Who the Heck is Rudy?
Rebecca mentioned to Wes that she enjoyed the décor of his apartment more when Rudy lived there, and it’s beginning to become evident that the writers are going to toss Rudy into the mix. How? I have no effing clue since there’s ONLY TWO EPISODES LEFT! Wes looked at the scratches on his wall questioningly and we are left to wonder if they were actually sex scratches. How does Rebecca know about the layout of the apartment when Rudy lived there? Red herring? ONLY TWO EPISODES!!!

Coming Clean and Finding Trash
Hannah has been on Annalise’s ass the entire episode, and she demands the truth when the two sit down for dinner at the end of the episode. Originally, I thought Annalise was going to poison Hannah with brussel sprouts, but that’s just how my mind works when I watch How to Get Away with Murder. Annalise admits to her affair with Nate, and Hannah begins to accept that Annalise doesn’t know where Sam is.

Just as the women are sharing a nice moment, it cuts to Rebecca listening to a news report that Sam’s body has been identified at dump. Let the bloodletting begin…


Published by Joey Moser

Joey Moser is an actor and writer living in Florida. You can follow him online on Twitter @JoeyMoser83