(Spoiler alert)
I thought you would all enjoy this review by a ten year-old classmate of my daughter’s. She has written it as part of a newspaper we’re putting together:
We all love Indy I mean, what’s not to love? First of all, there’s the hat. The hat is awesome and it can’t be Indiana Jones without the hat. Number two, the whip. It helped Indy with, well, pretty much everything. Number three, the theme song. It’s catchy, it can be annoying but I love it anyway. Now number four, the most important one, the movies. The movies are funny. action packed and just plain cool! The 1,2,3 rocked and I recently saw the fourth. It was pretty good but it wasn’t the best one. I don’t think it was very Indiana Jonesy . I mean, what are Aliens doing in an Indiana Jones movie! You have got to be kidding me. Indiana Jones (played by Harrisan Ford) is back and ready to go on one of his adventures. He meets a boy on the way called Mutt (played by Shia LaBeouf) who accompanies him on the way to find the crystal skull. Oohhhhh scary. Anyway I thought it was okay, good, fine, pretty darn good, nevermind. So if you want my advice go see the movie and decide for yourself.