/film has the news that Ridley Scott has added Joe Haldeman‚Äôs 1974 novel The Forever War to list of movies to which he’s attached. (after Nottingham, and before Brave New World?) Scott tells Variety:
“I first pursued ‚ÄòForever War‚Äô 25 years ago, and the book has only grown more timely and relevant since. It‚Äôs a science-fiction epic, a bit of ‚ÄòThe Odyssey‚Äô by way of ‚ÄòBlade Runner,‚Äô built upon a brilliant, disorienting premise.”
…[Scott] has several other projects percolating that include the thriller “Child 44,” for which Richard Price just penned a script, and “Gucci,” about the internecine squabbles within the fashion family that led to the murder of Maurizio Gucci.
(Thanks to Peter Sciretta at /film for the details — and also the very cool photo juxtaposition topping this post. Nice work, which I felt compelled to steal borrow, because I can’t outdo it.)
If sales of Haldeman’s OOP novel are any measure of interest, since Monday, when this news was announced I haven’t been able to find a cheap used copy anywhere. Pre-owned copies of the vintage hardcover start at 80 bucks on AmazonMarketplace. Might as well save our money and wait for the reissue due next March, purportedly restoring big chunks of narrative that were cut out of every edition previously published.