Why haven’t we posted them? I like them but I don’t like seeing so much of this great film revealed. I understand the strategy behind it, to demystify it for audiences who are maybe put off by an “old and wrinkly” Brad Pitt – but to me, it is best when it washes over you. It is one of those films you enter from one place and exit another, not unlike life itself I suppose. It is strange to see so few critics really diving headlong into either Button or Revolutionary Road the way I thought they would. This is such a creepy/tense time of year that it never feels real until your feet touch the ground. Both films, I am certain, will resonate over time. But they are hardcore. And if 2008 swings to Wall-E and The Dark Knight (which is where it started) it will be indicative of a public that pulls back from the blade, wanting instead a buffer. And for studios, well, the late-entry experiment didn’t seem to impact the chatter. But more on that as the awards unfold.