Nice work. Minimalist austerity soaked with potently evocative emotion. The moments of frozen dread don’t feel posed, they feel poised to run, poised to pounce. See, is this so hard? I don’t ask for much. I’m even thrilled to see somebody took care with this pair of teaser posters to make sure the angles tilted at the same degree. Just give us the tiniest indication that there’s a unifying creative vision in the marketing. Doesn’t have to be all busy and fussed over by a meddling team of photoshopaholics.
The close-up of Benicio del Toro would make Lon Chaney Jr. yip yip with respect. The giant moon on the left manages to look chilling and scalding at the same time. Balanced nicely by a feverish Emily Blunt whose attire is simultaneously prim and slatternly. Reminding us what monster movies are about, at their core — the primitive impulses in beastie boys, howling to get out.