Just heard via Twitter from Edward Douglas (@EDouglasWW) that Paramount has flown 50 people to New York with the supporting actress Anna Kendrick to promote Up in the Air. Hitfix’s Gregory Ellwood is among them and his Tweets, as follows:
Tweetering from 20,000 (?) feet. Movie should start soon and interviews too!
Anna Kendrick just introduced ‘Up in the Air’ which we’re going to watch. #upintheair
I’ve actually already seen it so I interview Anna while the rest of the journos watch on, yes, small screen.
We fly to LA. Most of us are LA based. Took off from NY.
The only real negative I can see is that the web is such a shared experience now; when you Twitter to your colleagues you’re also twittering to your many followers who as yet haven’t even seen the film.¬†¬† Otherwise, it is probably a smart move, publicity-wise, non?