EXCLUSIVE first look at the terrific stranglehold poster for Unauthorized: The Harvey Weinstein Project.
Barry Avrich, a Canadian filmmaker and marketing executive perhaps best known as the writer and director of ‚ÄúThe Last Mogul,‚Äù a no-holds-barred 2005 documentary about the entertainment kingpin Lew R. Wasserman, has lined up backing for a similar portrait of Mr. Weinstein, the Miramax Films co-founder who currently oversees the Weinstein Company with his brother, Bob… As part of the effort, he has circulated a six-page proposal that describes his planned picture as ‚Äúa powerful, uncensored account of a brilliant, feared, charming and yet loathsome character.‚Äù
Perhaps hyperbolically, the proposal declares: “There are those that say making a documentary film on Harvey Weinstein is career suicide or, in fact, personally dangerous. Others have warned me that Harvey will never allow the film to get distribution.”
…Mr. Avrich said he intended not a ‚Äúhatchet job‚Äù but a balanced portrait that would capture the ‚Äúpassion, character and old Hollywood style‚Äù that the Weinstein brothers have brought to their film ventures. (NYTimes)