Entertainment Weekly says Oscar nominee Julianne Moore will take on the role of Sarah Palin in HBO‚Äôs upcoming adaptation of Mark Halperin’s book, Game Change. It’s to be directed by Jay Roach and written by Danny Strong, the team who brought us HBO‚Äôs Recount, another 2000 election docudrama.
EW ends it’s announcement by asking: “What do you think, will Moore make a convincing Palin?”
gee, I dunno. Losing weight, intense martial arts training and other extreme physical sacrifices are all part of an actors toolbox. But I think most would draw the line at lobotomy. Tina Fey could play the vacuous emptiness for laughs, but it’ll be hard for any actress to replace the normal spark of intelligence in her eyes with Palin’s delusional glint — played straight, without a wink. (oh, I forgot, There Will Be Winks). This could tip over into Mommie Dearest camp territory so easily, couldn’t it? Sort of hope it does.
Of course Moore can do a convincing Palin. Let’s hear some aimless casting speculation about who might play a convincing Obama and McCain.
(Thanks Kevin K.)