Winners of the SAG awards predictions, just the film categories:
Jian Hui Lee
Shin the Japanese Viewer
goldiver ocampo
Brendan Walsh
Orpheus Febo
Sergio Bastos
Jimmy Silva
More after the jump.
Uwi Flour
Sue Schwab
Yannick Hache
Luiz Carlos de Souza Junior
Tomasz Matalowski
Ted Barron
Stephan Olbina
Matt Dittes
Dario Devic
Michael McGauley
The winners of the SAG awards for all categories, with 11 out of 13:
Adam Wilson
Andrew Smith
Runners up with 10:
Michael McGauley
Reno Nevada
Ben Gibson
Jared Morine
Oliver Davidson
Bryce Hartvigsen
The winners of the PGA contest, getting all three of our categories correct (Picture, Animated, Documentary):
Vincent Moreno
Conrado Falco
Ben Frazell
Tony Gomez Lomeli
Pan Rang
Simone Fabriziani
Friedl Kreuser
Roberto Alfaro
Azahar Salleh
Dave Law
Samuel Coffey
Travis Dukelow
Dion Blackler
Ben McIntire
Alexis Osorio
Thomas Vogiatzis
Brian Hanson
Renard B.
James Papilla
David Squid
Eric Petillo
Ben Gibson
Rodrigo jp
Burak Hazine
Craug Dickey
Bill Melidoneas
Rob Schlueter
Brad Boileau
john holman
Alvin Padilla
Lucas Dixon
Conor Beck
The rest of the winners after the cut