It’s 1950’s Coney Island and Ginny (Kate Winslet) plays a waitress married to Jim Belushi who operates the carousel. Ginny falls for a lifeguard on the island, Mickey played by Justin Timberlake. Welcome to Wonder Wheel and Woody Allen’s latest film. Mickey and Ginny’s relationship becomes even more complicated when her daughter, Carolina (Juno Temple) returns to Coney Island, a marked woman who’s trying to escape from her gangster boyfriend and also falls for Mickey as their lives all intertwine with the amusement park serving as the setting.
Wonder Wheel marks the first time Winslet, Belushi, Timberlake and Temple have all collaborated with Allen.
Cinematographer: Vittorio Storaro
Production Designer: Santo Loquasto
The film is released by Amazon Studios on December 1.