Disney+’s Dug Days is an enchanting and heartwarming new series of shorts that continue the adventures of Mr. Fredricksen (the late, great Ed Asner) and Dug (Bob Peterson). Dug continues to learn much about life in his new suburban life with Carl. He encounters the dangers of smells, fireworks, Russell’s ingenuity, puppies, and yes squirrels. But most importantly, Dug Days is an hilarious way to revisit the great Disney/Pixar film Up.
Here, I sit down virtually with director and vocal talent Peterson and producer Kim Collins to talk about their new short series. We talk about the lasting legacy of Up, and what they wanted to pursue by revisiting these characters. We also talk about the brilliant hallucinogenic sequence later in the series and its direct parallels to the Disney classic Fantasia.
Please note that this interview took place before the untimely passing of Ed Asner. While Mr. Fredricksen will forever be in our hearts, we can all rest easy knowing he’s finally rejoined his beloved Ellie.
Revisiting his immense vocal talents in Dug Days is a bittersweet testament to the talents of this giant.