Dear readers, we have been trying out different commenting systems. I no longer want to use the Disqus platform. It’s not stable. It always breaks. Installation is a nightmare, and I am hoping to leave it behind.
So we have a new system called WP-Discuz, a well-regarded replacement. The other option is using WordPress’s own built-in commenting system, but nobody seems to like that too much. So, please be patient with us as we figure this out. Or not. I’m sure having a new username and whatnot is probably a nightmare. I apologize for the trouble, but this is the best we can do right now.
You might hate us, you might love us, but we all work pretty hard around here trying to make things run smoothly. Hopefully we’ll get a system in place that works for everyone.
If you know of any great commenting systems for WordPress, please let us know by writing in.