In a couple of hours, I’ll post results of yesterday’s poll in some kind of semi-organized manner, complete with the pretty pie charts. It’s already easy to see which write-ins were most predominant. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and The Dark Knight were far and away the two summer movies you guys think might be poised to be this year’s Bourne Ultimatum. It might be fun to do a shorter and less elitist poll of movies we go see purely for the mindless thrill of it — films that sometimes manage to plumb surprising depths in the hands of skilled directors, writers and other craftsmen. Aside from the tentpoles just mentioned, what other big tent populist films are you most looking forward to this year? Your answers will determine the make-up of the poll. Iron Man, Speed Racer, Wall-E… you know, not the Indies, but the Indys of 2008.