Karina Longworth takes issue more with Frank Rich writing the piece on Wall-E than with the piece, or the message:
I haven’t seen Wall-E, and though I’m sure it’s just as good as everyone insists it is and totally deserves 20 million Oscars (or else it’s a virus that’s going to turn Our Children into tax-hiking Commie zombies––whatever!), there few things in this world that irk me more than the sanctimonious suggestion from a newspaper columnist that prospective world leaders “could really learn a thing or two” from watching a Hollywood movie, let alone a Hollywood movie geared toward an audience old enough to be susceptible to the charm of the film’s assorted synergistic tie-ins, but too young to actually pay for their own ancilaries themselves. Shit is, as we know, pretty bad out there, but it’s hard to decide what’s the more ridiculous rhetoric suggestion for the replacement of our current political system: rescue by corporation, or by cartoon.
For my money, Longworth is one of the best there is on the subject of film and I wish her blog were more prominent in the sea of fanboy dominance but I might delicately suggest she see the film before spoutblogging off. Just a thought.