The ballots went out today to the members who are voting online. Print ballots were mailed out a couple of weeks ago, and there’s a pretty good chance many have already been turned in. Most voters have an idea of what they like best before they sit down to vote. They will have had many chances to see the prominent films because publicists made sure that they did. Screeners have been sent out. Celebrities have held private screenings. There are lots of parties almost every week – big parties, small parties – all in the hopes of landing on the Oscar ballot.
This is the time of year we ask you, dear readers, to throw your “For Your Consideration” out there in hopes of maybe drawing attention to a film or performance that might get overlooked. So herewith, our annual “Dear Academy, Hear My Plea.”
Let’s hear them!
“The two movies up for a bunch of awards I didn’t buy into or see what all the fuss was about was The Martian and Bridge of Spies. Good enjoyable films but nothing special.”
Agreed, especially with regard to Bridge of Spies!